A tip for my Estonian friends using US keyboard layout
A keyboard hack for those pesky umlauts for my Estonian friends!
I used to be one of the kids who would always have to use a shortcut that changes languages, type away my umlaut (ü, õ , ä , ö) and use the same shortcut to switch to the US layout.
I'm too comfortable with the US layout. I grew up with it.
Until I recently learned.. there's an Estonian US layout? What in the heavens?!And it's built in to most operating systems?!
So I don't have to have two input methods on my computer? Yes!
Using Estonian US, you can simply hold ALT + (location of umlaut), and it just appears. How.. simple?! This seems like such a simple thing for most, but I must have been living under a rock.

I hope this little article helped my fellow Estonians.